McPherson's pump works, Tottenham, c1952
McPherson's pump works, Tottenham, c1952
Publication Title:
McPherson's pump works, Tottenham, c1952
Steel entrance to a modern industrial plant, East Bentleigh, 1958
Stud Jersey cows and milking shed, Grassmere, 1958
Campers and caravaners at the foreshore, Portarlington, 1958
Fire-fighting demonstration, Willaura, 1958
Greta South School, 1960
Homestead and farmland in sheep country, Yea, 1960
Upwey High School, 1955
Saw milling, kiln seasoning and planing mill, Swifts Creek, 1955
Aerial view of the Ford Company and wharf facilities on Corio Bay, 1955
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